Rewriting or revising is one thing most students find hard to do. It can be very cumbersome, time-consuming, and uninteresting. Many teachers, however, will require students to submit drafts of their work for them to review and comment on before the students can make the final draft. No one likes to redo something he has probably spent a lot of time doing. To effectively rewrite a document, you need to distance yourself from it and look at it with a fresh pair of eyes. This is almost impossible to do. That is why our organization offers rewriting services. We are an online writing company that is an expert in rewriting coursework, capstone projects, theses, dissertations, research papers, book reviews, term papers, reaction papers, and many others. We also offer proofreading, editing, and formatting services at fair prices.
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It is crucial to have your paper rewritten because the first draft is usually poorly organized and is full of errors and unnecessary words. The first draft needs fine-tuning to make it clearer and therefore earn you better grades.
All our papers are passed through anti-plagiarism software to ensure that the papers have 0% plagiarism.
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We guarantee top-quality papers and customer satisfaction as spelled out in our Money-Back Guarantee Policy.
Words per page: 275
Font: Arial or Times New Roman, 12 pt.
Line spacing: Double
Margin: 1-inch top, bottom, left, and right
To ensure that your safety is guaranteed, we don’t ask for either your credit or debit card data. We also do not store such data in our system under any conditions or circumstances. All payments are securely made through PayPal
You can quickly place your order on our website by clicking on the ''order now'' icon. Next, you fill in a form to give us a few details about you and what you need us to do for you. You will receive an instant quotation.
When you want your document rewritten, you need to place your order giving us any information that will be useful to the rewriting process, such as the writing style required by your institution, the word limit, and any other specification your teacher may have given you.
We ensure your rewritten paper is returned to you well before your deadline. This gives you adequate time to go through it and add any missing information to ensure you hand in a paper that is of the highest quality.
Our customer service team is always available to offer you any support you may need. You can call, email, or text us at any hour, and we will respond.
Don't let rewriting bother you. Hire us and let our experts do it for you.
We only provide original, non-plagiarized papers. We never recycle, reuse, or resell papers. Placing an order on our website is safe, private, and anonymous.